Suspension of the library loan service

Due to the current situation with the coronavirus and the uncertainty around work arrangements for most VPS staff, we have decided to suspend our loans service and ask for an immediate recall of all borrowed items you may hold.

Please return materials you hold IMMEDIATELY using the DX address below:

Victorian Government Library Service
607 Sneydes Rd
Werribee VIC 3030

DX: 210726

Please make sure the DX number is on your return (as above) and please make sure it is returned to the designated DX outgoing in your work area. Please ask your Reception (or mail area) for assistance if you are unsure of how to return your item(s). We need resources returned so everyone can have access to them.

The VGLS team will continue working and will scan sections of books, documents and other resources etc. as requested and required.

Call or email us on the details below should you have any questions or concerns.

Phone: 1800 742 733 (Select Option 2)

