ACLS Library service: the envy of other states

According to a very happy customer, our ACLS Victorian Government Library Service (VGLS) is the envy of other states. With a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail and timeliness combined with advanced investigative skills, our VGLS team is often the ‘go-to’ source for information resources.

This talent was recently put to the test when a customer from the Chief Veterinary Officer's unit, Biosecurity and Agriculture services, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR), requested an urgent literature search in relation to the health ramifications of specific additives in juvenile livestock feed supplements, required to inform vital decisions around national guidelines and state regulations. Ellen Paxton, research and liaison librarian, was quick to take up the challenge.

“Detailed information was required urgently to determine whether our national committee should investigate enforcing or altering existing rules,” said Clare Death, Principal Veterinary Officer, Livestock Quality Assurance.

“Based on communications with Clare to identify specific search terms, I was able to target my discovery across broad library databases and search engines to deliver relevant information to be used as evidence in for the client’s decision-making process,” said Ellen.

Thrilled with the results and quick turnaround, Clare said: “This work that you do is amazing – I was so chuffed when it arrived so quickly! My interstate colleagues were very jealous that we have this amazing capability in Victoria.”

Delighted with the excellent feedback, ACLS VGLS Manager, Miroslav (Miz) Brmbota, said: “Many people within Victorian Government may not be aware that our library is likened to a mid-sized university, boasting more than 400,000 items from 200 years of history, together with access to a team of research librarians who can tap into a huge global network of databases and subscriptions, worth in the vicinity of $3 million”.

“Our library service is strong, with thousands of registered users and we look forward to increasing the number of users across Victorian Government throughout 2019 with a list of digital enhancements and library subscription additions in the works,” said Miz.

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