ACLS delivers LGI fit-for-purpose hybrid workspace

The Victorian Local Government Inspectorate (LGI) has given the thumbs up to its new workspace, delivered by Accommodation, Carpool and Library Services (ACLS) recently to better meet LGI’s business needs and support their transition to hybrid working.

A key LGI responsibility is to ensure Victorian councils follow the Local Government Act 2020. This involves assessing complaints and conducting investigations into councils and councillors.

So an essential part of ACLS’s design considerations was ensuring the LGI could conduct its investigation interviews in private, reassuring their clients’ privacy.

After getting a better understanding of LGI’s current and future business and workspace needs, ACLS then considered these against broader Victorian Government accommodation strategies under Centralised Accommodation Management (CAM). Under CAM, ACLS is responsible for ensuring all its accommodation solutions and services contribute to broader savings, efficiencies, and other benefits for the Victorian Public Service across its managed portfolio.

With occupants at 1 Spring Street moving towards new hybrid working arrangements, another important input ACLS considered for the design was the Victorian Government return to work policy and hybrid working recommendations.

And the result? The LGI is delighted to have access to a refurbished central amenity hub that offers meeting rooms with greater flexibility, privacy and adaptability to meet their needs for conducting interviews.

The space includes new state-of-the-art meeting rooms that deliver better soundproofing, privacy blinds, and easier accessibility to entry points and amenities. Importantly, witnesses attending interviews can now enter the premises from several entry points ensuring their privacy.

LGI’s Team Leader for Business Support said ‘We’ve recently conducted several interviews and used the newly refurbished meeting rooms at 1 Spring Street and it is like they were made for us. Totally fit-for-purpose!'.

A key factor in the success of the project was the strong collaboration between ACLS Strategy, ACLS Projects and key occupant groups at 1 Spring Street from the initial concept phase involving capturing business requirements, through to the feasibility phase and final delivery.

Find out more about ACLS strategic accommodation solutions services.

1 Spring st project cabins

1 Spring st project- meeting room
1 Spring st project
