Each year, the Shared Service Provider (SSP) conducts a client satisfaction survey to better understand our clients’ customer experience to drive continuous improvement across our service lines and operations. The most recent results show an overall steady customer experience for clients, despite a year of significant transformation and transition change in service delivery.

Key findings

Overall, our clients were satisfied with the services we delivered over the 2017-18 year, with a total satisfaction score of 70.6 per cent - slightly above our targeted score of 70 per cent.

Survey graph

We are pleased to achieve our goal of maintaining levels of satisfaction and business continuity during a time of business transformation and change. We had a major task of transitioning to new outsourced provider of property services, Jones, Lang, LaSalle (JLL) in December 2017.

We have learnt that about 65 per cent of respondents used one or more services provided by SSP’s major provider of outsourced property services in the last twelve months. 87.5 per cent indicated that SSP service delivery standards had been maintained or improved in the six months before the survey.

Actions we are taking

The survey highlighted some important areas to focus improvement efforts over the coming year, which will be included in SSP’s strategic and operational plans. We will focus on continuous improvements in:

  • achieving seamless, integrated service delivery;
  • improving awareness and understanding of our services and processes;
  • improving our engagement with contacts in regional areas to better understand their specific service challenges and needs.

For further information about the annual satisfaction survey, please email
